Friday, May 18, 2007

At last....

So today was the big trial day. Trust but Verify has been transcribing some (most) of the Landis hearing. And today, our champ took the stand and was recorded here and here.
So if you read this carefully, it turns out our buddy has been taking epo, hgh, cortisone, insulin, thyroid hormone, anabolic steroid, amphetamine over the past year or two. From 2001 on, he was taking EPO. To win...the Tour of Strongland. It's something that passes for racing around here. This end of the state doesn't have much racing. Oh and he won the Erie TT championship. I'm pretty sure that's not a USCF sanctioned race, and has people on hybrids racing it. Oh and I know he won the local racing association's picnic crit sometime between 2003 and 2005. So yeah, that juicing really paid off.

I know there's a lot of sympathy out there for him right now because USADA threw him under the bus. I wish I could work up more sympathy, it would be the sign of a better person. But...dude...he doped to win the picnic crit. He doped and beat kids on bikes at the Erie TT. This is not a guy prone to taking the high road. I think a little public confession is good for the soul. He and USADA deserve each other. And who knows, maybe this will give him a little perspective. I hope that something positive comes out of this mess.



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