Saturday, September 30, 2006

Train, bikes, and Mexican food

I hopped a train last night to meet Chris and another friend of ours at a restaurant. I had my bike with me to get from the train to the restaurant, but was doing the geeky "roll up the jeans" thing so that I wasn't too obviously out of place at the restauranat.

I was on the back train car in the handicapped seats, and the train was filling quickly. Finally, the only seats left were the two across from me, and the handicapped seat next to me. So three guys got on the train, and one said "I'll sit next to you."
I smiled. He said "Cute bike."
I said (With a smile) "Cute? Drats, I was going for fearsome, but I'll settle for cute!"

Hey it got a laugh.

We were pretty excited, the restaurant that we were going to is our favorite (aka only acceptable) Mexican restaurant in the city. They got glowing reviews in the newspaper, and last night they were completely slammed. And running out of things. They were obviously caught completely off guard. Hopefully they did well enough in keeping up appearances that people will be understanding and come back. That's the first time I've been during which more than 4 tables were full. And it's a pretty big place. So I'm hoping that we'll see a long lingering effect. Everyone likes to have a secret hideaway place, but I don't need it to be so secret that it goes under.


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