Friday, February 03, 2006

OpFab Week 4

Week 1 is here
Week 2 is here
Week 3 is here

She shoots, she scoooooooores! Hmmm, wrong metaphor for Super Bowl weekend. How about “TOUCHDOWWWWNNNN!” I finally had a weight swing on weigh in – 3lbs. Which just baffles me. Even though I did diet, there’s NO WAY I was 10000 calories less in the last 7 days. What is that, like 1500 calories a day in the negative? Given I didn’t spend the week in some African village on the Sudanese diet, I have no idea where the weight went. As long as it stays away, I’m happy. Baffled, but happy.

Of course then I blew it all with today’s chow. 1 Krispy Kreme glazed donut for breakfast, washed down with a pepsi, a free hamburger for lunch with cake for dessert and a sprite. I’m pretty sure I gained all 3lbs back with that. Tonight, though, we’re having tasty turkey-barley skillet which has the double bonus of being good for you and tasting really, really good. That will make all of the other calories go away, right?



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