Monday, January 30, 2006

I shoulda guessed

The Movie Of Your Life Is A Black Comedy

In your life, things are so twisted that you just have to laugh.

You may end up insane, but you'll have fun on the way to the asylum.

Your best movie matches: Being John Malkovich, The Royal Tenenbaums, American Psycho

If Your Life Was a Movie, What Genre Would It Be?

This is not at all to complain that my life is dark to begin with. But when I think about the most dramatic moment of my life, it really was funny in a dark way. And that's how they got here with my movie. Because, really, what's funnier than a hospital stay with excruciating pain? And if I had another 6 hours, I could tell you all about it. Alas, you'll have to envision it for yourselves.


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