Sunday, February 24, 2008

Cracks me up

The latest and greatest blog currently in vogue (or is that en vogue? Whatever) is "Stuff White People Like". Each new posting is pretty darn good, but when you read the site as a whole, you find yourself nodding along going "YEAH! YEAH! I know someone, ok, me, just like that!"

And because I'm the whitest white woman in America, and love this CD, my favorite post is actually the guest column - Top Ten Hip Hop Songs White People Like. But then I read the one about the dogs, and Whole Foods, and the Prius.... Snort.

Worth checking out if you need a laugh!



At February 25, 2008 at 7:34 AM, Blogger Jen Ambrose said...

You noticed bikes and bike shops made the white people list?

I was surprised that Let Me Clear My Throat wasn't on the rap list. I freakin' crank that jam.


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