From the NY Times: "Biofuels Deemed a Greenhouse Threat".Now if someone could just ban the damn CFLs. I've been a good girl and loaded two of them up in our house. One is in the living room giving my husband a headache. The other is in our basement where it belongs. But nooooo, CFLs are going to be the wave of the future. I gave ours a whirl with the idea of saving money on electricity (that it's supposed to be environmentally friendly was just a side benefit). But I'm not impressed. And from an environmental standpoint, I'm not sure that using mercury that heavily is going to ultimately be a good thing for anyone. Yes one bulb contains very little mercury. But millions of bulbs? What happens when they start hitting the town dump? Because you know that we'll be lucky if 10% of people recycle their mercury bulbs. Choice between tossing in trash can and running to a "convenient location" blocks or miles from their house? Yeahhhhh....
I do believe we should be good stewards of the earth. I'm just not sure mercury anythings are the means to do that. And apparently biofuels aren't either. (Booyah, brought that right back around to my opening line. Not bad, eh?)
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