Sunday, January 20, 2008

Email I just sent my boss

Short Version:
I need to work from home

Long Version:

So I'm leaving a play date for Porter at a friend's house when my husband calls. Our little girl dog has run off, and he's got to be at a client's. So he's leaving the back door open. As I get on the state highway to head home, all I can think is "It's 15 freakin degrees, and this dog is probably going end up in the pound and our gas bill is going to be a million billion dollars." And I'm so aggravated at the dog, that it takes me a few minutes to register that things seem....noisy. And I'm on a stretch of the highway that has no place to pull off. But it's getting louder and louder and then suddenly I see a tire go past my car. My tire. From the rear drivers side of the car. I got the car stopped, but it was in the left lane, with the traffic whizzing by in both directions.

Thankfully a wonderful, wonderful man stopped and put on the bicycle tire for me, with Porter screaming the whole time. And when I got home, Ginger was waiting for me. It ended pretty well. Until the bills start coming in.

So I'll be putting tires on the car.


At January 21, 2008 at 8:49 AM, Blogger steevo said...

Sitting there in the car while all this was happening was like a dream where you can only watch and cant help. Im glad it all ended relatively well, saves me a phone call this am.

At January 21, 2008 at 4:33 PM, Blogger Your Friendly Neighborhood HR Dude said...

all ends well.
what a day... wow

makes my monday seem pretty tame


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