Email I just sent my boss
Short Version:I need to work from home
Long Version:
So I'm leaving a play date for Porter at a friend's house when my husband calls. Our little girl dog has run off, and he's got to be at a client's. So he's leaving the back door open. As I get on the state highway to head home, all I can think is "It's 15 freakin degrees, and this dog is probably going end up in the pound and our gas bill is going to be a million billion dollars." And I'm so aggravated at the dog, that it takes me a few minutes to register that things seem....noisy. And I'm on a stretch of the highway that has no place to pull off. But it's getting louder and louder and then suddenly I see a tire go past my car. My tire. From the rear drivers side of the car. I got the car stopped, but it was in the left lane, with the traffic whizzing by in both directions.
Thankfully a wonderful, wonderful man stopped and put on the bicycle tire for me, with Porter screaming the whole time. And when I got home, Ginger was waiting for me. It ended pretty well. Until the bills start coming in.
So I'll be putting tires on the car.
Sitting there in the car while all this was happening was like a dream where you can only watch and cant help. Im glad it all ended relatively well, saves me a phone call this am.
all ends well.
what a day... wow
makes my monday seem pretty tame
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