Monday, December 05, 2005


I just realized that I spent 12 hours standing in the cold this weekend. That would explain why I can't seem to get warm.

So my sweetie did a bit of cyclocrossing this weekend and it was really cold. Temps were around 30 degrees, but on Saturday the nastiest wind was blowing. My sinuses felt like they were going to explode. Argh. After we finally left for the day, we went back to the hotel to watch the Army-Navy game and sit in a pain/tylenol haze for the rest of the day. Not exciting, but nice to have some recovery time.

Sunday, my husband turned in a fantastic result, and overall, his team did very, very well. I was so excited for him! The wind died down, but overnight there was snow and rain, so the course was slllllopppppy. The dog was a mudball, and torn between exhaustion and being ticked off at me for leaving him the car for two hours. Who can blame the guy? This is not what he signed on for. I pitted for my husband, a friend who was racing elite women, and her husband who raced elite men. One of my husband's teammates was kind enough to run the bike to the hose (which was hell and gone from the pit), the three times that he pitted. And it needed a hose, that darn thing was so disgusting that there were INCHES of mud on it.

For the elite women, we kept trying to get my friend to pit, but it wasn't until the second to last lap when her husband was there that she did. It was kind of cute, her husband said "Take a bike!" and she said "Really?" "Yes!!", so the exchange went smoothly, I cleaned up her bike, and we gave her a clean bike on the last lap. She also had an awesome result, far better than I would have expected for someone who just moved up for this last race. Good for her! Her husband however, didn't have so good a luck, he wiped out on the first lap, and snapped his rear derailleur off. He had to run a good portion of the course, and where he should have been a contender, he instead had to settle for finishing. Very disappointing, and I opted to avoid their truck when he got back so he could have time to be disappointed, kick their dog, whatever.

Good weekend, but keep the hot chocolate coming. I may actually warm up by the time I leave for Natz on Thursday. Maybe.



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