Saturday, November 26, 2005

Days 4 and 5 of Thank Yous

Well turkey day was a bit hectic, and yesterday was a bit dain bramaged. So days 4 and 5 of Thank Yous must get posted today. Here we go with the things I was grateful for on Day 4

1. Turkey and dressing and vegetables and pies and....
2. Wonderful aunts and uncles who if they thought I was doing something silly or crazy over the years, never voiced that to me.
3. My mother's hard work. She has seemingly effortless Turkey day preparations which always turn out really well (except for last year when her oven was broken and she didn't know it). I know she works so hard and she and dad churn out a Thanksgiving feast that is a wonder to behold.
4. My grandmother is not only alive, but kicking too at 94. She is most definitely the matriarch of the family, holding life together after my grandfather died almost 40 years ago. Which means at this point she has spent more of her adult life widowed than she did marry. Sometime in the (hopefully far distant) future, when she passes on, I'm sure my grandfather will be there asking her "Where have you been?"
5. My nice warm orange hat which is more suitable for a boy half my age. But it felt great!

And for Day 5
1. A sunny day in November which is rarer than a diamond dipped in amber. And more beautiful.
2. A free movie at the theater, with free popcorn and free soda! AND the movie wasn't too bad, a cute fluffy little romantic comedy called "Just Like Heaven" which is absolutely PERFECT for my father.
3. Egg nog. I love that stuff.
4. Internet shopping. We shopped at the mall yesterday for a few small things for my grandmother. It was nice to know that when we really didn't want to shop any more, we could stop. And after 1/2 hour of oppressive heat and Christmas music, we called it and went home.
5. "Boundin'" This is a cartoon short that my dad and I LOVE. Every visit since we first saw the movie in July has required at least one viewing. Dad and I nod along and laugh while Mom and my husband smile and humor us. "Pink!? Pink!? Well what's wrong with Pink? Seems like you've got a pink kink in your think"


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