Monday, December 12, 2005


I woke up this morning at 7 AM and got out of bed in Wilkes-Barre with the same stress that I've had for the last few weeks. So much to do! So much to... Wait a minute. Suddenly I realized, I had nothing to do, that the only thing on the docket for the day was driving back home. I tried to remember the last time that I didn't wake up feeling like that, and I'm pretty sure it was before Thanksgiving. First my husband was sick over the holidays, so I was getting up in the middle of the night worrying about him, and then getting up in the morning to hang with my parents for the short period of time we had together. Then we were back in time to start cleaning house and preparing for the next week. Work has been crazy with end of the year paperwork. Travel last weekend, home for two days before my husband left for Cyclocross nationals. I sent my stuff with him so I wouldn't have to carry it on the plane, so that meant packing on Tuesday. Clean the trashed house so that when my brother and his schoolmate stayed over in our absence, they wouldn't be horrified. Then training at work for two days, go to the airport and fly to Rhode Island. I got there and was trying to stay on top of keeping the little things under control, keeping myself fed, my husband's worries as minimal as possible, and the dog walked while in a hotel in Rhode Island and socked in by a snowstorm. Brief melt down on Saturday (sorry sweetie), 5 hour drive Sunday with directions and a prayer that the cheap hotel we stayed at in Wilkes-Barre wasn't horrible. (It was fine). Then I woke up this morning and....ahhhhh. I stretched my aching back out, took some deep breaths to clear the adrenaline, and crawled back under the covers between my husband and the wonderdog and went back to sleep until 9. I know I'll wake up tomorrow and all will be work stress again, but it was nice to have this one day in which I had no worries at all.



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