Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Much to my husband's utter bemusement, I love this movie. I'm the one who lasted through 6.5 minutes of "The Ring". I'm the one that he has to tell when the gory scenes are over. And yet I'm the proud owner of this movie about vampires in which every scene involves someone getting mauled by vampires, or multiple vampires exploding, losing limbs, and dying in terrible ways. A friend of mine once labelled this movie as cathartic, and he's utterly correct. Despite the gore, for some reason this is one movie where "cartoon violence" actually means something to me. Usually my problem with gore is I'm overly empathetic to the desecrated human being. Not in this movie. The acting isn't anything to write home about, the writing isn't all great, but when the movie's over, I'm thinking "Take that you rotten vampires!"

So this is recommended with qualifications - not for those who don't like vampires or cartoon violence, definitely not for kids.



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