Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Cheapy movie night, round two

So last night we were off to see the Bourne movie. Oh dang, I can never remember which one. Identity? Supremacy? No, wait, I've got it - Ultimatum. And it really is the ultimate summer movie thriller. What more could you want - it's got a hotty lead (Matt Damon), a hotty chick (Julia Stiles), and action/adventure all over the place. My only complaint with this movie is the same as with the Bourne Supremacy - they borrowed their camera style from "The Blair Witch Project". Hand cams have to be the most highly over-rated shooting style in the world. Thankfully it wasn't as extreme as in the last film, which I almost couldn't watch. It was just a lot of fun, and even if we did exchange some comments between Chris and I during the movie like:
"In case you were keeping count, this is the third secure perimeter"
"So you come home from a bad day at work, and walk into your apartment..."

If you don't mind spoilers, let's just go with - I agree with Ken Levine!

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At August 14, 2007 at 9:22 PM, Blogger Your Friendly Neighborhood HR Dude said...

going to see it friday with buddy and matt. worth my money? or wait for dvd? as good as Casino Royale?


At August 15, 2007 at 8:53 AM, Blogger MyHusbandRules said...

Worth seeing for sheer action/adventure fun. Plot holes you could drive a bus through, but have a beer or two before hand and it will be the perfect brain damaged summer movie.

At August 15, 2007 at 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it was really good. Nothing original but all very well done. Includes perhaps my second favorite car chase scene. My first favorite is the entire movie "Ronin".


At August 15, 2007 at 1:43 PM, Blogger Gen. Reginald B. Hortense, III (RET) said...

Ronin is highly underrated.

Hand held, not to be confused with "hand camera" is often not hand held at all. Sometimes they just zoom in super tight and things move like crazy. You really couldn't cover the action that tightly with camera work being hand held. Im looking forward to it, there are times when a theater is the right option for a film. Just don't sit too close to the screen or you will get wall-eye.


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