Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sultry Summer Days

Things around here have been as summery hot as it usually gets around here. Ie in the mid 80s. Which is usually enough to be uncomfortable since central air is not ubiquitous here like it is in Texas. Yesterday's dog walk looked like it was happening in super slo-mo. Even Ginger was content to walk placidly next to me. Which is totally unusual for her, usually she's freaking out over dogs, trains, birds, buses, squirrels, chipmunks, etc. Add to that these days I'm moving super duper slowly and we just crawled along the streets wondering why no one had the courtesy to turn the sprinklers on the lawns.

The endless doctors visits continue. The doc's estimate is that the baby won't be particularly big, and that it will probably be early. My estimate is that he/she will be Lord of the Dance or a Rockette. For entertainment these days, we sort of watch my belly jump around. It's crazy. I can see in Chris's eyes that he's flashing back on Alien. We're talking a LOT of movement, not just the little belly twitches from last month.

In the Tour de France the other day, a labrador retriever took out one of the cyclists and destroyed his wheel. Which gave me cold shivers because I could just picture it being Ginger. As Chris put it..."Love me, Love ME, LOVE ME!" The puppy mantra!

Speaking of the Tour, I have no idea who's going to win this thing. Michael Rasmussen whose last TdF Time Trial was a total disaster is leading the race. If there were no Time Trials, he'd probably win the whole thing. But now we're trying to figure out which of the next 8 riders is good enough time trialer to take the whole thing. It's much more interesting than the Lance years, when the only question was the stage that Lance would take the lead.

And now I'm off to read the live coverage...

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At July 19, 2007 at 6:51 PM, Blogger Jen Ambrose said...

Did you know that there is a Tour de France IMAX movie that is going to be shown at the Carnegie Science Center?

At July 20, 2007 at 11:29 AM, Blogger MyHusbandRules said...

We're hoping to go this weekend!


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