Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Zombie Walk

It's not even Labor Day, but I think we're entering fall around here. The morning Fredly-outing now departs in the dark, both of us trying to wake up despite our bodies KNOWING that no one goes for a walk in the dark. The first 20 minutes of our walk take us through back neighborhoods where we're all alone except for 2 walkers racing the hill. Lights haven't come on, cars aren't on the road, all is quiet. It's a sleepy type of morning, which means Fred has to check every blade of grass, and every place any dog has peed in the last 6 weeks. Thoroughly. Test results won't be back for an hour, please wait here.

When we finally pop onto the main drag through town, the sudden jump in busy-ness is startling. It's like walking out of your bedroom to find a party going on. With a band. Instead of a constant stream of cars, they come in clumps, but there are plenty there. There are runners out looking sleek and supple. Which would sort of be the flip side of where I am at the moment. I'm still in that early morning flexible-as-an-I-Beam stage. And I'm carrying a bag of dog poop. So I get my enjoyment from the runners who look a bit more like I feel. Stumbling a bit, a little less perfect, but still getting the job done. Past the favorite coffee shop where they haven't put out the bowl of water for good dogs, past the train station where Fredly keeps a careful eye out for the potential marauding public transportation. Both buses and commuter trains are to be disciplined! Hunted! Taught who's boss in this here town! We wander past the house with the world's cutest Yorkie-Poo puppy. Look, made up breed names like Yorkie-Poo are a bit much, dontcha think? This comes from someone who reads Cute Overload.

Finally we hit home and prepare to start a busy day. Fred will be guarding the property, going to the vet, and napping. I'll be taking a class on accounting/finance. I think I'd rather take the shots.


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