Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Girl Time

Most of my life I am a low maintenance, geeky, tom-boy woman. Which can be awkward given how shee-shee this neighborhood is. Tonight Chris dropped me off at the library to return some DVDs, and I ran like a twelve year old down the sidewalk, only to have the door held for me by one of the well-groomed women of the area. Oops.

But one evening every 5-6 weeks, I go to the salon for 2 hours to have my hair "done". So this is when I read all of the girly magazines - Cosmo, Glamour, InStyle. I even flipped through "O" last night. I actually bought a (very cute) purse last winter based on something I read while waiting for the paint to dry. And for 24 hours, I fit the neighborhood thanks to the talented work of my stylist.

But alas, all good things must end, so I'm off to wash my hair and go back to being myself again.


At August 31, 2006 at 8:07 AM, Blogger Flick said...

Wow, we had very similar days.

I think I may be a low maintenance tom-boy woman too !

At August 31, 2006 at 11:21 AM, Blogger MyHusbandRules said...

Huh, I had you pegged as a lesbian nymphomaniac trapped in a man's body.


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