Monday, January 07, 2008

A Deranged Mind

  • Well one positive thing about the possibility of Obama vs Huckabee is at least we will have the treat of listening to good orators. I’m not sure we will or won’t like what we hear, but after 8+ years of Ws mumblings, it’s going to be refreshing.
  • I know I’m old. How? I just looked at one of my co-workers and thought “Cute kid”.
  • This is a primer on how NOT to convert people to veganism. (Scroll to the comments after the tip).
    I was starting to giggle when we got to cow rape racks. C’mon. Do you REALLY think that the natural process of cow breeding involves wine, a nice dinner of hay, and mood lighting? I have plenty of issues with some of the things that go on with factory farms, but it’s hard to take someone seriously when their rhetoric is SO over the top. Start slow, start where people are. You’ll get more converts to your point of view.
  • Saturday morning Porter started reaching for Ginger. And grabbing her hair with both hands. Fortunately her hair is short, and blessedly, she’s super patient. We’re going to have to work on “petting” with him. He got Fred’s long hair later in the day, and Fred just gave him an “oh &%(*” look and waited for me to rescue him. We have the best dogs.
  • As long as there’s no major scandal, I’m guessing we’ll be complaining about President Obama next year. (Oh c'mon, you know you'll complain about whoever it is). It just has that feel to it. A math professor of mine, every year at evaluations would tell us “Be honest. But you should also know I’m tenured. I’d have to have sex with a freshman at noon in the middle of a busy street to get fired.” Obama feels like he’s tenured.
  • Woohoo! Went for my first bike ride since I had Porter. It was New Year's day. And I went around the block. DAMN it was cold. And I was under dressed. And we had hills. When did we grow those? The whole thing was downright embarrassing. I'm just going to have to start slower after a year+ off the bike.

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At January 8, 2008 at 1:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vegans are an interesting breed. So are cyclists.


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