Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Hmmm, so if I read this article from Reason correctly, we should like illegal immigration because

1. Women apparently have to mow their own lawns, and illegal immigration allows them to get out of doing that. It was usually my dad and my brother who got stuck with lawn mowing in our house, but that was in the midwest at a time when they had to worry about roaming dinosaurs.
2. We can get cheap labor for household chores. By "we", I mean women who can afford to pay someone else to clean their house.
3. Women are no longer the bottom of the ladder for pay. Woohoo! Better them than us.

There are lots of valid considerations in the debate on illegal immigration. But man, this article doesn't contain any of them.


At April 18, 2007 at 9:57 AM, Blogger J. Random American said...

I think Reason gets it partly right that we should not have to mow lawns if we don't want to. That doesn't mean we should import a new underclass to do it, though. We should make the robots do it, as I explain in my own blog post:


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