Thursday, April 05, 2007


Interesting dilemma in this story. Do you institute a way for people to leave babies in a safe environment (thus saving lives), while at the same time making eat easier for parents to abandon their babies? Or do you hope that the stigma of abandoning the babies is enough to deter MOST from abandoning their babies?

In general, I tend to be a believer that in a lot of situations, social stigma can actually keep a lot of people from getting in over their head. But...I have a hard time believing there are a lot of mothers thinking "I would abandon Junior in a heartbeat if only it were easier". There is always a place to dump a baby, but those places are rarely good for the baby. So offering a way to let a baby live while allowing the woman to leave her child, is certainly an option. This is a really old idea.

Yes, all things baby do tend to catch my eye these days. And yes, linear thinking eludes me some days, so if this doesn't make sense...patience already!


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