Monday, April 02, 2007


Funny thing about history...things happened that people don't want to own up to. It's messy, it's embarrassing, it's like the crazy, drunken aunt at your wedding. You can either go the oppression/suppression route and tell everyone it never happened (yeah, I'm looking at you, former Soviet Union), or you face up to it, learn from your mistakes, try to avoid repeating those mistakes, and move on.

It appears some schools in the UK have decided to ignore option number 2. Because, you know, the holocaust was done in a studio backlot in Hollywood. Or wait, was that the moon landing?


At April 2, 2007 at 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The USSR owned up to under Khrushchev (I think. It was a fairly pivotal moment in the Cold War and quite the CIA coup to acquire the manuscript). Anyway, somehow American culture (aided by the American left) has never owned up to Communism. Somehow Nazi symbolism is completely banned (as it should be) and yet Russian Communist symbolism is advertising fodder for Trek or coffeehouses.

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At April 2, 2007 at 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, you wanna talk oppression/suppression let's talk about abandoning our allies in South Vietnam and then watching 1/3 of the population in Cambodia being eliminated. (ironically, those eliminated were the Cambodian equivalent of the American left)

Or China (sorry Ambrose) wherein they are actively working against us using money we give them because, well, those Christmas tree lights are so cheap at Wal Mart. Yeah, I bet imprisoned Catholic priests don't get much of a paycheck.

-mail order.
I'm done.


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