Saturday, February 24, 2007

Skimming along too fast

So I'm reading today's live coverage of the Tour of California and have found myself missing a groove in a few places.
  • Team Slipstream p/b Chipotle (Which I took two readings to realize that p/b isn't "Peanut Butter' but "Presented by". Anyone want to guess what my primary motivations are these days?)
  • "Pate signals for his team car, perhaps wanting to send JV back to the Taqueria they just passed for a burrito." What? What's John Verheul doing in the Tour of California? Ooohhhhhhh.....Jonathan Vaughters. Don't these people know that the REAL JV isn't Vaughters?
  • In looking up Vaughters bio, I got to the Slipstream Sports and found the rider page hysterical. Holy cow, these boys are applying gel the way some guys applied cologne before prom. If some is good, lots is BETTER!



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