Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Too funny. About a month ago I installed a sitemeter from Bravenet which allows me to see the last 10 page referrals, number of new, returning and unique visitors per day for the last 7 days, etc. I'm way too cheap to actually pay for anything, so I don't have the total cumulative effect, but you know...whatever. The referrals aspect though is just hours of entertainment. It's always interesting to see what pearls of wisdom will lead to a hit from Google, Technorati, or Google Blogs. There is one persistent chap who keeps clicking on my blog for "Sweet Lebanese Nymphets" because those three words appear scattered about one page of my blog. I know Flick feels my pain, he keeps getting hits for Hot Gril because of this post.

And to the dude who's look for Hot Gril...Howdy! This blog is too wholesome for you, keep surfing!


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