Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Historical Society is coming! The Historical Society is coming!

A couple of weeks ago, when we got back from Asheville, we found a letter in our mailbox from our township. Basically some hoity toity historical society is going to be checking out our area, and the letter asked us (collectively, not Chris and I in particular) to move our shit off the lawn. (couched in much politer words). What? We can't offer the historical society a beer from our college fridge while we sit on our sofa on the porch?

I sort of assumed that it was just our street getting the letter because everyone on the street rents. Including the folks at the end with a billion kids and toys all over the yard. These are pretty cool rentals, too. Our place is between 80 and 90 years old, with loads of character (alas little insulation to go with that). So I figured the historical society had a thing for old rental buildings. But my carpoolmate, who lives in the same township, (and owns) was asking me pretty indignantly if we had gotten the same letter. So at least it's not just us. It sort of reminds me of the old bumper sticker

Jesus is Coming!
Everyone look Busy!


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